※各論文タイトルの右側に記載されている数字はジャーナルの点数(Impact Factor)です。
タイトル(和文) / 西暦発行年 / 使用機種 / 所属 / 著者 / タイトル(英文) / ジャーナル |
EXERT-BC: 乳がん治療後の機能的可動性・体成分・筋力の向上を目的とした運動療法のパイロットスタディ 2024 / InBody970 / Department of Radiation Oncology, Wellstar Paulding Medical Center, Hiram, Georgia, USACarpenter DJ, Peluso C, Hilton C, Velasquez F, Annichine A, Matsko K, Rosenberg J, Diaz AK, Hyde P, Beriwal S, Champ CE. EXERT-BC: A pilot study of an exercise regimen designed to improve functional mobility, body composition, and strength after the treatment for breast cancer. Cancer Med. 2024 Mar;13(5):e7001 |
サルコペニアを有する脳卒中後リハビリテーション患者における椅子立ち上がり運動が排尿・排便自立度に与える効果 2024 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation, Kumamoto Rehabilitation Hospital, Kikuyo, JapanKido Y, Yoshimura Y, Wakabayashi H, Nagano F, Bise T, Matsumoto A, Shimazu S, Shiraishi A, Yoneda K, Hamada T, Kuzuhara A. Effect of Chair-stand Exercise on Improving Urinary and Defecation Independence in Post-stroke Rehabilitation Patients with Sarcopenia. Prog Rehabil Med. 2024 Sep 14;9:20240029 |
遠隔リハビリテーションはCOVID-19罹患後症候群の高齢者の心肺機能・筋力・体成分を改善する 2024 / InBody S10 / Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Hospital of Mataro, Barcelona, SpainPleguezuelos E, Del Carmen A, Moreno E, Serra-Prat M, Serra-Payá N, Garnacho-Castaño MV. Telerehabilitation improves cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness and body composition in older people with post-COVID-19 syndrome. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2024 Jun 27 |
脊椎圧迫骨折の高齢女性における位相角を用いた自立歩行の予測: 傾向スコアを用いた予備研究 2024 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation, Kita-Fukushima Medical Center, Date City, JapanMegumi Kurita, Takaaki Fujita, Ryuichi Kasahara, Yuichi Yamamoto, Yoko Ohira, Koji Otsuki and Shinichiro Morishita. Prediction of Walking Independence in Older Women with Vertebral Compression Fracture Using Phase Angle: A Preliminary Study Using Propensity Score. Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine 2024; Vol. 9, 20240004 |
アジアの大腿骨近位部骨折患者の自立歩行における体幹筋肉の量的・質的指数の算出 2024 / InBody S10 / Clinical Education and Research Center, Chuzan Hospital, Okinawa, JapanRyo Shiraishi, Keisuke Sato, Nobumasa Chijiiwa, Fumihiro Tajima, Takahiro Ogawa. Calculation of trunk muscle mass and trunk muscle quality indices for walking independence in asian patients with hip fractures. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 60 (2024) 11-16 |
田舎の高齢冠動脈疾患患者における心臓リハビリテーション運動セッション数・筋肉量・心肺フィットネスの関係 (3.300) 2023 / InBody370 / Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Wonkwang University School of Medicine and Hospital, KoreaSeong Bok Choi, Ji Hee Kim. Relationship Between Number of Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise Training Sessions, Muscle Mass, and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Rural Elderly Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 2023:16 3309–3318 |
リハビリテーション入院患者における初期の骨格筋指数と有害事象及びリハビリテーションアウトカムの関係 (1.300) 2023 / InBody S10 / Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Hyogo Medical University, Nishinomiya, JapanHideki Arai, Syuya Okada, Tatsuyuki Fukuoka, Masafumi Nozoe, Kuniyasu Kamiya, Satoru Matsumoto, Takeshi Morimoto. Association of Baseline Skeletal Muscle Mass Index With Adverse Events and Rehabilitation Outcomes in Patients Admitted for Rehabilitation. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation (2023) |
横隔膜筋厚及び呼吸筋力とサルコペニア指標の関係 (0.468) 2023 / InBody S10 / Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Chung-Ang University Gwangmyeong Hospital, Gwangmyeong, KoreaYookyung Lee, Sunhan Son, Don-Kyu Kim, Myung Woo Park. Association of Diaphragm Thickness and Respiratory Muscle Strength With Indices of Sarcopenia. Ann Rehabil Med 2023;47(4):307-314 |
股関節骨折患者における入院時の体幹筋肉指数と歩行自立度の関係 (0.900) 2023 / InBody S10 / Clinical Education and Research Center, Chuzan Hospital, Okinawa City, JapanRyo Shiraishi, Keisuke Sato, Nobumasa Chijiiwa, Takahiro Ogawa. Relationship between Trunk Muscle Mass Index at Admission and Walking Independence in Patients with Hip Fracture. Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine Vol. 8, 20230036 |
運動完全四肢麻痺患者におけるリハビリテーション栄養と健康的な体重維持の影響 (3.900) 2022 / InBody S10 / Department and Research Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, KoreaShin JC, Cho KH, Han EY, Ahn KH, Im SH. Impact of Rehabilitation Nutrition and Healthy Weight Maintenance in Motor-Complete Tetraplegia Patients. J Clin Med. 2022 Aug 24;11(17):4970 |
運動療法に基づくがんリハビリテーションプログラムが乳がん生存者の位相角を改善する (1.150) 2022 / InBody770 / Kinesiology & Rehabilitation Science (KRS), University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI, USAShort T, Teranishi-Hashimoto C, Yamada P. Exercise-Based Cancer Rehabilitation Program Improves Phase Angle in Breast Cancer Survivors. Int J Exerc Sci. 2022 Nov 1;15(3):1444-1456 |
COVID-19を有する重症入院患者における包括的リハビリテーション: 3次病院におけるコホート研究 (5.354) 2022 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, KoreaHyeonseong Woo, Sanghee Lee, Hyun Sung Lee, Hyun Jun Chae, Jongtak Jung, Myung Jin Song, Sung Yoon Lim, Yeon Joo Lee, Young-Jae Cho, Eu Suk Kim, Hong Bin Kim, Jae-Young Lim, Kyoung-Ho Song and Jaewon Beom. Comprehensive Rehabilitation in Severely Ill Inpatients With COVID-19: A Cohort Study in a Tertiary Hospital. J Korean Med Sci. 2022 Aug 29;37(34):e262 |
乳がん生存者において、運動療法を取り入れたがんリハビリテーションプログラムは位相角を改善させる (1.150) 2022 / InBody770 / Kinesiology & Rehabilitation Science (KRS), University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI, USATrevor Short, Cheri Teranishi-hashimoto and Paulette Yamada. Exercise-Based Cancer Rehabilitation Program Improves Phase Angle in Breast Cancer Survivors. International Journal of Exercise Science 15(3): 1444-1456, 2022 |
高齢患者における骨格筋指数と回復期リハビリテーション病棟達成指数の関係 2022 / InBody S10 / Toyonaka Heisei Hospital, Toyonaka, JapanHideki Arai, Naoya Ikegawa, Masafumi Nozoe, Kuniyasu Kamiya and Satoru Matsumoto. Association between Skeletal Muscle Mass Index and Convalescent Rehabilitation Ward Achievement Index in Older Patients. Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine 2022; Vol. 7, 20220003 |
慢性心不全患者の心臓リハビリテーションにおけるホエイペプチドとBCAAを含む経口栄養補助食品の効果: 無作為パイロット研究 (1.823) 2021 / InBody720 / Departments of Cardiology, Hyogo Prefectural Amagasaki General Medical Center, Amagasaki, JapanKozo Hotta, Ryoji Taniguchi, Hiroyuki Nakayama, Fumitaka Yamaguchi and Yukihito Sato. The Effects of an Oral Nutritional Supplement with Whey Peptides and Branched-Chain Amino Acids for Cardiac Rehabilitation of Patients with Chronic Heart Failure: A Randomized, Pilot Study. International Heart Journal, 2021, Volume 62, Issue 6, Pages 1342-1347 |
過体重腰痛患者の心血管疾患リスク因子と筋断面積におけるリハビリテーション運動の効果 (2.645) 2021 / InBody270 / Department of Sports Science, Dongguk University, Gyeongsangbuk-do, KoreaWon-Moon Kim, Su-Ah Lee, Yun-Jin Park and Yong-Gon Seo. Effects of Rehabilitation Exercise on Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Muscle Cross-Sectional Area in Overweight Patients with Low Back Pain. Healthcare 2021, 9, 809 |
急性期後のリハビリテーション患者において、サルコペニアは失禁及び独立排尿・排便の回復と関連する (4.008) 2021 / InBody S10 / Center for Sarcopenia and Malnutrition Research, Kumamoto Rehabilitation Hospital, Kumamoto, JapanYoshifumi Kido, Yoshihiro Yoshimura, Hidetaka Wakabayashi, Ryo Momosaki, Fumihiko Nagano, Takahiro Bise, Sayuri Shimazu, Ai Shiraishi. Sarcopenia is associated with incontinence and recovery of independence in urination and defecation in post-acute rehabilitation patients. Nutrition 91-92 (2021) 111397 |
舌筋力は嚥下中の後咽頭壁の前進に影響を与える: 嚥下障害外来患者における横断研究 (2.034) 2021 / InBody S10 / Division of Clinical Oral Rehabilitation, The Nippon Dental University Graduate School of Life Dentistry, Tokyo, JapanKeigo Nagashima, Takeshi Kikutani, Taishi Miyashita, Yuri Yajima, Fumiyo Tamura. Tongue muscle strength affects posterior pharyngeal wall advancement during swallowing: A cross-sectional study of outpatients with dysphagia. Oral Rehabil. 2021;48:169–175 |
長期介護が必要な地域在住高齢者における脊柱後湾症及び呼吸機能の1年間の縦断研究 (0.812) 2021 / InBody520 / Division of Physical Therapy, Doctoral Program in Health Sciences, Graduate School of Health and Welfare Sciences, International University of Health and Welfare, Tochigi, JapanMinami Sato, Akihiro Yakabi, Yohei Sawaya, Takahiro Shiba, Akira Kubo, Masahiro Ishizaka, Tsuyoshi Hara. One-year longitudinal study on spinal kyphosis and respiratory function in community-dwelling older Japanese adults who require long-term care or support. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 33: 312–315, 2021 |
長時間起立後の痛みと脚の浮腫を患う労働者における間欠的空気圧迫装置と圧迫包帯の比較 2021 / InBody3.0 / Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Jeonbuk National University Medical School, Jeonju, KoreaDa-Sol Kim, Yu Hui Won, and Myoung-Hwan Ko. Comparison of intermittent pneumatic compression device and compression stockings for workers with leg edema and pain after prolonged standing. Preprints 2021, 2021020297 |
高齢者の身体特徴と機能における運動と運動プログラムと組み合わせた神経筋電気刺激療法の効果: 無作為比較試験 (2.849) 2021 / InBody270 / Department of Physical Therapy, Youngsan University, Gyeongnam-do, KoreaAline Mizusaki Imoto, Stella Peccin, Kelson Nonato Gomes da Silva, Lucas Emmanuel Pedro de Paiva Teixeira, Marcelo Ismael Abrahão, and Virgínia Fernandes Moça Trevisani. Effects of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Combined with Exercises versus an Exercise Program on the Pain and the Function in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. BioMed Research International Volume 2013, Article ID 272018, 7 pages |
末梢動脈疾患患者における血管機能に対する温水運動と陸上運動トレーニングの効果 (3.531) 2020 / InBody230 / School of Health and Kinesiology, University of Nebraska-Omaha, Omaha, NebraskaPark SY, Wong A, Son WM, Pekas EJ. Effects of heated water-based versus land-based exercise training on vascular function in individuals with peripheral artery disease. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2020 Mar 1;128(3):565-575 |
高齢者の骨格筋量におけるコラーゲンペプチドの効果: 回復期リハビリテーション病棟患者の経口栄養補助介入研究 2020 / InBody S10 / Zenjokai Rehabilitation Hospital, Nagoya, Japan馬場 正美、洲崎 英子、平良 梢、伊藤 友里、加地 ひかり、岡田 温. コラーゲンペプチドが高齢者の骨格筋量に及ぼす影響~回復期リハビリテーション病棟患者への経口栄養補(ONS)介入研究~. 日老医誌2020;57:291―299 |
術後補助化学療法を受ける乳がん生存者における握力の変化と握力との関連性 2020 / InBody S10 / Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Ulsan, KoreaSeongwook Son, Changbae Lee, Ju Yeon Lee, Dong Seok Yang, Chung Reen Kim. Changes in Grip Strength and Associations with Grip Strength in Breast Cancer Survivors Treated with Adjuvant Chemotherapy. J Kor Phys Ther 2020:32(3):177-185 |
心臓リハビリテーションにおける低い6分歩行距離と筋肉量は脱落を予測する (1.916) 2020 / InBody770 / Department of Sports Sciences, University of Seoul, Seoul, KoreaJu Hyung Park, Kyu Kwon Cho and Yong Hwan Kim. Low 6-Minute Walk Distance and Muscle Mass Predict Drop out in Cardiac Rehabilitation. Healthcare 2020, 8, 430 |
慢性閉塞性肺疾患患者における院内中心の肺リハビリテーションの効果と障壁 2020 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Biomedical Research Institute, Pusan National University Hospital, Busan, KoreaSang Hun Kim, Jong Hwa Jeong, Byeong Ju Lee, Myung-Jun Shin, Yong Beom Shin. Effects of and barriers to hospital-based pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Phys Ther Rehabil Sci, 2020, 9 (2), 82-89 |
亜急性期リハビリテーション後においてサルコペニア肥満は日常生活動作及び自宅への退院と関連している (4.367) 2020 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kumamoto Rehabilitation Hospital, Kumamoto, JapanYoshihiro Yoshimura, Hidetaka Wakabayashi, Fumihiko Nagano, Takahiro Bise, Sayuri Shimazu, Mai Kudo, Ai Shiraishi. Sarcopenic Obesity Is Associated With Activities of Daily Living and Home Discharge in Post-Acute Rehabilitation. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2020 Oct;21(10):1475-1480 |
サルコペニア高齢者の歩行速度における体幹筋力の影響 (0.740) 2020 / InBody230 / Shutaikai Hospital, Shirokita-cho, Yokkaichi-city, Mie, JapanKota Kato, Yasuhiko Hatanaka. The influence of trunk muscle strength on walking velocity in elderly people with sarcopenia. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 32: 166–172, 2020 |
座位時間・身体活動・睡眠時間: 線維筋痛症患者の体成分との関係 ー The Al-Andalus Project (5.688) 2019 / InBody S20 / PA-HELP “Physical Activity for Health Promotion, CTS-1018” Research Group, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Granada, Granada, SpainBlanca Gavilán-Carrera, Pedro Acosta-Manzano, Alberto Soriano-Maldonado, Milkana Borges-Cosic, Virginia A. Aparicio, Manuel Delgado-Fernández and Víctor Segura-Jiménez. Sedentary Time, Physical Activity, and Sleep Duration: Associations with Body Composition in Fibromyalgia. The Al-Andalus Project. J. Clin. Med. 2019, 8, 1260 |
重度の知的障害成人におけるSit-to-stand運動の効果 2019 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation, Suita Municipal Disability Support Center, I-Hope Suita, Osaka, JapanTadashi Matsuda, Yoshiteru Akezaki, Yoko Tsuji, Effects of Sit-to-stand Exercise for Adults with Severe Intellectual Disabilities. JJOMT, 67: 436-441, 2019 |
低い位相角(Phase angle; PhA)はフレイルのリスク因子である (2.197) 2019 / InBody770 / Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Aichi, JapanSatoshi Tanaka, Kei Ando, Kazuyoshi Kobayashi, Taisuke Seki, Takashi Hamada,1 Masaaki Machino, Kyotaro Ota, Masayoshi Morozumi, Shunsuke Kanbara, Sadayuki Ito, Naoki Ishiguro, Yukiharu Hasegawa, and Shiro Imagama. Low Bioelectrical Impedance Phase Angle Is a Significant Risk Factor for Frailty. BioMed Research International Volume 2019, Article ID 6283153, 7 pages |
体成分と骨折リスクの関連性における韓国人男女別の違い (4.259) 2017 / InBody3.0 / Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, KoreaJung Hee Kim, A. Ram Hong, Hyung Jin Choi, Eu Jeong Ku, Nam H. Cho & Chan Soo Shin. Sex-based Differences in the Association between Body Composition and Incident Fracture Risk in Koreans. Sci Rep. 2017 Jul 20;7(1):5975 |
高齢サルコペニア肥満女性の体成分と身体能力における弾性筋力運動の効果 (1.804) 2017 / InBody220 / Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, KoreaChun-De Liao, Jau-Yih Tsauo, Li-Fong Lin, Shih-Wei Huang, Jan-Wen Ku, Lin-Chuan Chou, Tsan-Hon Liou. Effects of elastic resistance exercise on body composition and physical capacity in older women with sarcopenic obesity: A CONSORT-compliant prospective randomized controlled trial. Medicine (2017) 96:23 |
サルコペニア判断において身長で補正した骨格筋量が体重で補正された骨格筋量より筋肉機能とより良い相関を示す (4.259) 2016 / InBody720 / Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University Hospital BeiHu Branch, Taipei, TaiwanDer-Sheng Han, Ke-Vin Chang, Chia-Ming Li, Yu-Hong Lin, Tung-Wei Kao, Keh-Sung Tsai, Tyng-Grey Wang, Wei-Shiung Yang. Skeletal muscle mass adjusted by height correlated better with muscular functions than that adjusted by body weight in defining sarcopenia. Sci Rep. 2016 Jan 20;6:19457 |
若年成人における呼吸筋力と既存サルコペニア指数の関係: 予備調査 2015 / InBody S10 / Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Chung-Ang University College of Medicine, Seoul, KoreaHee Joon Ro, Don-Kyu Kim, Sang Yoon Lee, Kyung Mook Seo, Si Hyun Kang, Hoon Chang Suh. Relationship Between Respiratory Muscle Strength and Conventional Sarcopenic Indices in Young Adults: A Preliminary Study. Ann Rehabil Med 2015;39(6):880-887 |
高齢男性の体成分・非特異性腰痛における水中運動の効果 (0.198) 2015 / InBody230 / Department of Physical Education, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, IranKhadijeh Irandous, Morteza Taheri. The effects of aquatic exercise on body composition and nonspecific low back pain in elderly males. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 27: 433–435, 2015 |
水中療法は慢性腰痛を持ったデスクワークの多い成人の痛み・障害・QOL・体成分・健康を改善する: 対照臨床試験 (2.239) 2014 / InBody720 / University of Granada, Granada, SpainPedro Ángel Baena-Beato, Enrique G Artero, Manuel Arroyo-Morales, Alejandro Robles-Fuentes, María Claudia Gatto-Cardia and Manuel Delgado-Fernández. Aquatic therapy improves pain, disability, quality of life, body composition and fitness in sedentary adults with chronic low back pain. A controlled clinical trial. Clinical Rehabilitation 2014, Vol. 28(4) 350–360 |
血液透析患者の身体運動能力・体成分・疲労における仮想現実運動プログラムの効果 (0.198) 2014 / InBody S10 / Department of Emergency Medical Service, Daewon University, Chungcheongbuk-do, KoreaHyeyoung Cho, Kyeong-Yae Sohng. The Effect of a Virtual Reality Exercise Program on Physical Fitness, Body Composition, and Fatigue in Hemodialysis Patients. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 26: 1661–1665, 2014 |
急性心不全症例に対する神経筋電気刺激の効果: 予備的準ランダム化比較対象試験 2013 / InBody370 / 大和橿原病院 リハビリテーション科・内科、畿央大学大学院 健康科学研究科吉田陽亮, 藤川和仁, 中嶋民夫, 庄本康治. 急性心不全症例に対する神経筋電気刺激の効果:予備的準ランダム化比較対象試験. 心臓リハビリテーション(JJCR) 2013;18(2):193-201 |
開心術前後における身体成分変化 2011 / InBody S20 / Mukogawa Women’s University Institute for Health and Exercise Science, Nishinomiya, Japan松尾 善美,河村 知範,西村 真人,大久保 祐介,古田 宏,頓田 央,東上 震一. 開心術前後における身体組成変動. 健康運動科学(2011), 2(2), 83-89 |