※各論文タイトルの右側に記載されている数字はジャーナルの点数(Impact Factor)です。
タイトル(和文) / 西暦発行年 / 使用機種 / 所属 / 著者 / タイトル(英文) / ジャーナル |
脳梗塞高齢者の体幹機能と日常生活動作における体幹筋肉量増加の影響 2024 / InBody S10 / Ginowan-kinen Hospital, Ginowan City, Okinawa, JapanKeisuke Sato, Takahiro Ogawa. Impact of increased trunk muscle mass on trunk function and activities of daily living in older individuals with cerebral infarction. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 60 (2024) 203-209 |
脳卒中患者において気力低下はサルコペニアや筋消耗よりも、機能アウトカムとより強く関連している: 観察研究 2024 / InBody S10 / Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation, Kansai Medical University, Osaka, JapanMasafumi Nozoe, Hiroki Kubo, Miho Yamamoto, Rio Ikeji, Haruka Seike, Kazuki Majima, Shinichi Shimada. Muscle weakness is more strongly associated with functional outcomes in patients with stroke than sarcopenia or muscle wasting: an observational study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research (2024) 36:4 |
亜急性脳卒中患者におけるサルコペニア発症可能性の有病率及びリスク因子 (3.752) 2023 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, KoreaYeo Hyung Kim, Young-Ah Choi. Prevalence and risk factors of possible sarcopenia in patients with subacute stroke. PLOS ONE | September 19, 2023 |
プレフレイル高齢者における運動認知リスク症候群とサルコペニア及び全身性炎症の関連性 (3.394) 2023 / InBody S10 / Division of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Medicine, National University Hospital, Singapore, SingaporeReshma Aziz Merchant, Yiong Huak Chan, Denishkrshna Anbarasan and Ivan Aprahamian. Association of Motoric Cognitive Risk Syndrome with Sarcopenia and Systemic Inflammation in Pre-Frail Older Adults. Brain Sci. 2023, 13, 936 |
急性期脳卒中患者において、位相角の変化は日常生活動作及び筋機能の改善と関連する (3.269) 2023 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation, Uonuma Kikan Hospital, Niigata, JapanYoichi Sato, Yoshihiro Yoshimura, Takafumi Abe, Fumihiko Nagano, Ayaka Matsumoto, Hidetaka Wakabayashi. Change in phase angle is associated with improvement in activities of daily living and muscle function in patients with acute stroke. Eur Geriatr Med. 2023 Aug 21 |
急性期脳卒中患者における医原性サルコペニアと集中的リハビリテーションに伴う高エネルギー摂取の予防効果 (4.893) 2023 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation, Uonuma Kikan Hospital, Niigata, JapanYoichi Sato, Yoshihiro Yoshimura, Takafumi Abe, Fumihiko Nagano, Ayaka Matsumoto. Hospital-associated sarcopenia and the preventive effect of high energy intake along with intensive rehabilitation in patients with acute stroke. Nutrition 116(2023), 112181 |
軽度認知障害及びアルツハイマー型認知症において、体細胞量減少と下半身機能は関連している (4.996) 2023 / InBody S10 / Digital Health Research Division, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon, KoreaDieu Ni Thi Doan, Kahye Kim, Boncho Ku, Kun Ho Lee & Jaeuk U. Kim. Reduced body cell mass and functions in lower extremities are associated with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s dementia. Scientific Reports (2023) 13:13389 |
院外心停止後の低酸素性脳損傷患者における下半身筋肉量 (2.060) 2023 / InBody S10 / Department of Public Healthcare Service, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, KoreaDong-Hyun Jang, Seung Min Park, Dong Keon Lee, Dong Won Kim, Chang Woo Im, You Hwan Jo, Kui Ja Lee. Lower limb muscle matters in patients with hypoxic brain injury following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Acute Crit Care. 2023 Feb;38(1):104-112 |
中年・高齢女性の身体及び脳機能における電気的筋刺激及びレジスタンス運動介入の効果 (3.411) 2023 / InBody S10 / Department of Health Sciences, Graduate School, Dong-A University, Busan, KoreaNgeemasara Thapa, Ja-Gyeong Yang, Seongryu Bae, Gwon-Min Kim, Hye-Jin Park and Hyuntae Park. Effect of Electrical Muscle Stimulation and Resistance Exercise Intervention on Physical and Brain Function in Middle-Aged and Older Women. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 101 |
脳卒中後のリハビリテーションを受けている患者において、サルコペニアの改善は排尿・排便自立度の回復と正の相関がある (4.893) 2023 / InBody S10 / Center for Sarcopenia and Malnutrition Research, Kumamoto Rehabilitation Hospital, Kumamoto, JapanYoshifumi Kido, Yoshihiro Yoshimura, Hidetaka Wakabayashi, Fumihiko Nagano, Ayaka Matsumoto, Takahiro Bise, Sayuri Shimazu, Ai Shiraishi. Improvement in sarcopenia is positively associated with recovery of independence in urination and defecation in patients undergoing rehabilitation after a stroke. Nutrition 107 (2023) 111944 |
認知機能が正常からアルツハイマー病に進行した高齢者において、サルコペニアと四肢骨格筋量の減少は、3DSRT上の中枢自律神経線維網の主要ハブにおける低灌流と関連している 2023 / InBody720 / Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kanazawa Medical University, Uchinada, JapanTaichi Demura, Tazuo Okuno, Takaki Miwa, Osamu Iritani, Hiroyuki Nakano, Junpei Yamamoto, Hideaki Shiga, Kumie Kodera, Chihiro Morimoto, Noboru Demura and Shigeto Morimoto. Sarcopenia and decline in appendicular skeletal muscle mass are associated with hypoperfusion in key hubs of central autonomic network on 3DSRT in older adults with progression of normal cognition to Alzheimer’s disease. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2023 Jan;23(1):16-24 |
急性脳卒中後の機能回復をより的確に予想するための位相角と骨格筋指数の複合的評価法 (4.075) 2022 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation, Uonuma Kikan Hospital, Niigata, JapanT. Abe, Y. Yoshimura, R. Imai, Y. Sato. A Combined Assessment Method of Phase Angle and Skeletal Muscle Index to Better Predict Functional Recovery after Acute Stroke. J Nutr Health Aging. 2022;26(5):445-451 |
急性脳卒中患者における体幹筋肉量と退院時の日常生活動作の関係 (4.008) 2022 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation, Uonuma Kikan Hospital, Minamiuonuma, JapanYoichi Sato, Yoshihiro Yoshimura, Takafumi Abe, Fumihiko Nagano, Ayaka Matsumoto. Relationship between trunk muscle mass and activities of daily living at discharge in acute stroke patients. Nutrition 103-104 (2022) 111833 |
パーキンソン病と比較した進行性核上性麻痺における骨格筋量の減少: 予備的後ろ向き縦断研究 2022 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation Science, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, JapanYasuyuki Takamatsu and Ikuko Aiba. Reduction in Skeletal Muscle Mass in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy in Comparison with Parkinson’s Disease: A Preliminary Retrospective Longitudinal Study. Muscles 2022, 1, 143–151 |
脳卒中リハビリテーション患者における生体電気インピーダンス分析(BIA)による体成分と上肢運動能力及び回復の関係 2022 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Incheon St. Mary’s Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Incheon, KoreaSunha Park, Jaewon Kim, Youngmin Kim, Min-Wook Kim. Correlation of Body Composition via Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis and Motor Function and Recovery of Upper Extremity in Patients Undergoing Stroke Rehabilitation. Brain Neurorehabil. 2022 Jul;15(2):e20 |
脳卒中後のサルコペニア高齢者において、抗精神病薬の使用は筋力と負の関係がある (2.677) 2022 / InBody S10 / Department of Pharmacy, Teikyo University School of Medicine University Hospital, Tokyo, JapanEiji Kose, Yoshihiro Yoshimura, Hidetaka Wakabayashi, Ayaka Matsumoto. Use of antipsychotics is negatively associated with muscle strength in older adults with sarcopenia after stroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Vol. 31, No. 8 (August), 2022: 106587 |
急性脳卒中患者の筋肉量及び質の変化における身体活動と栄養摂取の関係 (2.677) 2022 / InBody S10 / Rehabilitation Unit, Kyoto University Hospital, Kyoto, JapanHiroki Tanaka, Gakuto Kitamura, Manabu Nankaku, Masashi Taniguchi, Kenichiro Shide, Miharu Fujita, Megumi Ida, Shinobu Oshima, Takayuki Kikuchi, Takakuni Maki, Ryosuke Ikeguchi, Susumu Miyamoto, Ryosuke Takahashi, Nobuya Inagaki, Shuichi Matsuda, Noriaki Ichihashi. Association of Physical Activity and Nutritional Intake with Muscle Quantity and Quality Changes in Acute Stroke Patients. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Vol. 31, No. 6 (June), 2022: 106442 |
急性脳卒中患者の嚥下機能改善における体幹及び四肢骨格筋量の影響 (2.677) 2022 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation, Uonuma Kikan Hospital, Minamiuonuma, JapanYoichi Sato, Yoshihiro Yoshimura, Takafumi Abe, Fumihiko Nagano, Ayaka Matsumoto. Impact of trunk and appendicular skeletal muscle mass on improving swallowing function in acute stroke patients. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Vol. 31, No. 9 (September), 2022: 106636 |
脳卒中後のサルコペニア肥満患者における筋力増強は身体機能回復と正相関する (2.677) 2022 / InBody S10 / Center for Sarcopenia and Malnutrition Research, Kumamoto Rehabilitation Hospital, Kumamoto, JapanFumihiko Nagano, Yoshihiro Yoshimura, Ayaka Matsumoto, Takahiro Bise, Yoshifumi Kido, Sayuri Shimazu and Ai Shiraishi. Muscle Strength Gain is Positively Associated with Functional Recovery in Patients with Sarcopenic Obesity After Stroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Vol. 31, No. 6 (June), 2022: 106429 |
脳卒中患者のサルコペニアスクリーニングにおける下腿周囲長測定・SARC-F質問票及びIshiiスコアの精度 (4.003) 2022 / InBody S10 / Medical Imaging Department, First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, Kunming, ChinaRuihong Yao, Liqing Yao, Changli Yuan and Bu-Lang Gao. Accuracy of Calf Circumference Measurement, SARC-F Questionnaire, and Ishii’s Score for Screening Stroke-Related Sarcopenia. Front. Neurol. 13:880907 |
急性脳卒中患者における初期栄養状態及びサルコペニアの指標としての位相角 (2.677) 2022 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation, Uonuma Kikan Hospital, Minamiuonuma, JapanYoichi Sato, Yoshihiro Yoshimura and Takafumi Abe. Phase Angle as an Indicator of Baseline Nutritional Status and Sarcopenia in Acute Stroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Vol. 31, No. 1 (January), 2022: 106220 |
脳卒中後の高齢・低体重患者においてエネルギー貯蔵は体重及び骨格筋量を増加させる (5.429) 2021 / InBody S10 / Center for Sarcopenia and Malnutrition Research, Kumamoto Rehabilitation Hospital, Kumamoto, JapanYoshihiro Yoshimura, Hidetaka Wakabayashi, Ryo Momosaki, Fumihiko Nagano, Takahiro Bise, Sayuri Shimazu and Ai Shiraishi. Stored Energy Increases BodyWeight and Skeletal Muscle Mass in Older, Underweight Patients after Stroke. Nutrients 2021, 13, 3274 |
脳卒中リハビリ患者の身体機能及び退院後アウトカムにおけるサルコペニア改善の影響 (5.717) 2021 / InBody S10 / Nagasaki Rehabilitation Hospital, Nagasaki, JapanTatsuya Matsushita, Shinta Nishioka, Shiori Taguchi, Anna Yamanouchi, Yuka Okazaki, Kana Oishi, Ryusei Nakashima, Tatsuya Fujii, Yoshiharu Tokunaga and Shinya Onizuka. Effect of Improvement in Sarcopenia on Functional and Discharge Outcomes in Stroke Rehabilitation Patients. Nutrients 2021, 13, 2192 |
サルコペニアの中程度アルツハイマー患者における下半身筋力を増加させる簡単なベッドサイド運動方法 (1.580) 2021 / InBody720 / Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Daegu, KoreaJung Hae Yun, Du Hwan Kim and Min Cheol Chang. A Simple Bedside Exercise Method to Enhance Lower Limb Muscle Strength in Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease Patients with Sarcopenia. Healthcare 2021, 9, 680 |
急性脳卒中患者の身体機能における位相角の影響 (2.136) 2021 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation, Uonuma Kikan Hospital, Urasa, Minami Uonuma, Niigata, JapanTakafumi Abe, Yoshihiro Yoshimura, Ryota Imai, Yuichiro Yoneoka, Atsuhiro Tsubaki and Yoichi Sato. Impact of Phase Angle on Physical Function in Patients with Acute Stroke. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2021 Jun 30;30(9):105941 |
脳卒中リハビリテーション患者におけるサルコペニア肥満と日常生活での活動: 横断研究 (1.916) 2020 / InBody S10 / Department of Clinical Services, Nagasaki Rehabilitation Hospital, Nagasaki, JapanTatsuya Matsushita, Shinta Nishioka, Shiori Taguchi, Anna Yamanouchi, Ryusei Nakashima and Hidetaka Wakabayashi. Sarcopenic Obesity and Activities of Daily Living in Stroke Rehabilitation Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study. Healthcare 2020, 8, 255 |
急性脳梗塞患者において低筋肉量は歩行機能と関連する (1.787) 2020 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation, Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital, Kobe, Hyogo, JapanTakafumi Abe, Kentaro Iwata, Yoshihiro Yoshimura, Taku Shinoda, Yuta Inagaki, Shuhei Ohya, Kanji Yamada, Keiichi Oyanagi, Yukihiro Maekawa, Akihiro Honda, Nobuo Kohara and Atsuhiro Tsubaki. Low Muscle Mass is Associated with Walking Function in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases Volume 29, Issue 11, November 2020, 105259 |
脳卒中後のサルコペニア患者において筋肉量増加は機能改善と正の相関を示す (1.700) 2020 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation, Kumamoto Rehabilitation Hospital, Kumamoto, JapanFumihiko Nagano, Yoshihiro Yoshimura, Takahiro Bise, Sayuri Shimazu, and Ai Shiraishi. Muscle mass gain is positively associated with functional recovery in patients with sarcopenia after stroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Volume 29, Issue 9, September 2020, 105017 |
老人ホームの認知障害及び認知症を患う高齢者におけるドラムコミュニケーションプログラム介入: パイロット無作為対照研究からの予備根拠 (3.633) 2020 / InBody S10 / Computational Engineering Applications Unit, Head Office for Information Systems and Cybersecurity, RIKEN, Saitama, JapanAtsuko Miyazaki, Takashi Okuyama, Hayato Mori, Kazuhisa Sato, Masahiko Ichiki and Rui Nouchi. Drum Communication Program Intervention in Older Adults With Cognitive Impairment and Dementia at Nursing Home: Preliminary Evidence From Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Front. Aging Neurosci. 12:142 |
独立して歩行できる脳卒中患者におけるサルコペニアの評価提案 2020 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Seoul, KoreaHo Joong Jung, Yong Min Lee, Minsun Kim, Kyeong Eun Uhm, Jongmin Lee. Suggested Assessments for Sarcopenia in Patients With Stroke Who Can Walk Independently. Ann Rehabil Med 2020;44(1):20-37 |
急性虚血性脳卒中患者における骨格筋量の不足と悪い機能アウトカムの関係 (1.646) 2020 / InBody S10 / Department of Neurology, Toyohashi Municipal Hospital, Toyohashi, Aichi, JapanKen Ohyama, Maki Watanabe, Yasunobu Nosaki, Takashi Hara, Katsushige Iwai and Kenji Mokuno. Correlation Between Skeletal Muscle Mass Deficit and Poor Functional Outcome in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2020 Apr;29(4):104623 |
体成分の変化と基礎代謝量の増加はパーキンソン病サブタイプの姿勢動揺/歩行困難と関連している (2.051) 2020 / InBody S10 / Neurocenter, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, MexicoGiovana Femat-Roldán, María Andrea Gaitán Palau, Inma Castilla-Cortázar, Georgina Elizondo Ochoa, Nancy Guadalupe Moreno, Irene Martín-Estal and Miguel Jiménez Yarza. Altered Body Composition and Increased Resting Metabolic Rate Associated with the Postural Instability/Gait Difficulty Parkinson’s Disease Subtype. Parkinsons Dis. 2020; 2020: 8060259 |
歩行可能な亜急性脳卒中患者の機能回復における骨格筋指数及び握力の減少の影響 (0.880) 2019 / InBody S10 / Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Dong-A University College of Medicine, Busan, KoreaJin Gee Park, Kyeong Woo Lee, Sang Beom Kim, Jong Hwa Lee, Young Hwan Kim. Effect of Decreased Skeletal Muscle Index and Hand Grip Strength on Functional Recovery in Subacute Ambulatory Stroke Patients. Ann Rehabil Med 2019;43(5):535-543 |
体脂肪量と脳血管病変のリスク: PRESENT(Prevention of Stroke and Dementia)プロジェクト 2019 / InBody720 / Department of Neurology, National medical center, Seoul, KoreaIm-Seok Koh, Yang-Ki Minn, and Seung-Han Suk. Body Fat Mass and Risk of Cerebrovascular Lesions: The PRESENT (Prevention of Stroke and Dementia) Project. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 2840 |
四肢骨格筋量: 成人ミトコンドリア病患者においてBMIより疾患の重症度により敏感なバイオマーカー (2.776) 2019 / InBody770 / Department of Neurology, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing, ChinaYue Hou, Zhiying Xie, Xutong Zhao, Yun Yuan, Pan Dou, Zhaoxia Wang. Appendicular skeletal muscle mass: A more sensitive biomarker of disease severity than BMI in adults with mitochondrial diseases. PLoS One. 2019 Jul 25;14(7):e0219628 |
急性脳卒中後の患者における脳卒中関連のサルコペニア有病率及び悪い口腔状態との関係: オーラルサルコペニアの意味合い (6.402) 2018 / InBody S10 / Department of Dental Surgery, Kumamoto Rehabilitation Hospital, Kumamoto, JapanAi Shiraishi, Yoshihiro Yoshimura, Hidetaka Wakabayashi, Yuri Tsuji. Prevalence of stroke-related sarcopenia and its association with poor oral status in post-acute stroke patients: Implications for oral sarcopenia. Clin Nutr. 2018 Feb;37(1):204-207 |
脳卒中回復期の全身性炎症: サルコペニア及び機能リハビリテーションの悪い結果との関係性 2018 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kumamoto Rehabilitation Hospital, Kumamoto, JapanYoshihiro Yoshimura, Takahiro Bise, Fumihiko Nagano, Sayuri Shimazu, Ai Shiraishi, Makio Yamaga, and Hiroaki Koga. Systemic Inflammation in the Recovery Stage of Stroke: Its Association with Sarcopenia and Poor Functional Rehabilitation Outcomes. Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine 2018; Vol. 3, 20180011 |
アルツハイマー病の各段階におけるサルコペニアと筋肉機能 (3.508) 2018 / InBody S10 / Department of Geriatric Medicine, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, JapanYusuke Ogawa, Yoshitsugu Kaneko, Tomohiko Sato, Soichiro Shimizu, Hidekazu Kanetaka and Haruo Hanyu. Sarcopenia and Muscle Functions at Various Stages of Alzheimer Disease. Frontiers in Neurology August 2018, Volume 9, Article 710 |
重度の運動機能及び知的障害患者における位相角(Phase angle)の有用性 (1.544) 2017 / InBody S20 / Department of Pediatric Surgery, Kurume University School of Medicine, Kurume, Fukuoka, JapanMotomu Yoshida, Kimio Asagiri, Suguru Fukahori, Yoshiaki Tanaka, Naoki Hashizume, Shinji Ishii, Nobuyuki Saikusa, Naruki Higashidate, Daisuke Masui, Naoko Komatsuzaki, Hirotomo Nakahara, Minoru Yagi, Yushiro Yamashita. The utility of a phase angle analysis in patients with severe motor and intellectual disabilities. Brain Dev. 2017 Aug;39(7):557-563 |
急患治療中の脳梗塞患者における安静時代謝量(REE)推定式の比較 (1.669) 2015 / InBody S10 / Department of Nursing care, Nishinomiya Kyoritsu Neurosurgical Hospital, Nishinomiya, Hyogo, JapanAyano Nagano, Yoshitaka Yamada, Hiroji Miyake, Kazuhisa Domen, Tetsuo Koyama. Comparisons of Predictive Equations for Resting Energy Expenditure in Patients with Cerebral Infarct during Acute Care. Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases, August 2015; Volume 24, Issue 8, Pages 1879–1885 |
体成分と代謝パラメータへのジプラシドン及びオランザピンの影響: 非盲検比較予備研究 (2.000) 2013 / InBody720 / Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, South KoreaSubin Park, Ki Kyoung Yi, Min-Seon Kim, Jin Pyo Hong. Effects of ziprasidone and olanzapine on body composition and metabolic parameters: an open-label comparative pilot study. Behavioral and Brain Functions 2013, 9:27 |