※各論文タイトルの右側に記載されている数字はジャーナルの点数(Impact Factor)です。
タイトル(和文) / 西暦発行年 / 使用機種 / 所属 / 著者 / タイトル(英文) / ジャーナル |
筋萎縮性側索硬化症患者において、急性疾患に伴う体重および筋肉量の減少は、適切な栄養療法および運動により回復可能である: 症例報告 2024 / InBody S10 / Department of Neurology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine, JapanKunieda K, Hayashi Y, Fujishima I, Shimohata T. Weight and Muscle Mass Loss Associated with Acute Disease Can be Reversed with Appropriate Nutrition Therapy and Exercise in a Patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosisa: A Case Report. Intern Med. 2024 May 16 |
リウマチ患者において、骨格筋指数とBMIは続発性骨粗鬆症と関連する 2024 / InBody720 / Department of Rheumatology & Immunology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei, Anhui, ChinaYi‑ran Chu, Yue‑chen Xu, Ling‑li Ma, Jian‑xiong Wang, He‑xiang Zong, Wan‑qiu Tong, Xi‑le Wang, Xu Zhao and Sheng‑qian Xu. Skeletal muscle index together with body mass index is associated with secondary osteoporosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. European Journal of Medical Research (2024) 29:61 |
脆弱性骨粗鬆症骨折患者における身体機能の予後予測因子としての位相角 2023 / InBody S10 / 2023 / InBody S10 / Department of Rehabilitation, Beppu Rehabilitation Center, Beppu, JapanYusuke Ito, Yoshihiro Yoshimura, Fumihiko Nagano, Ayaka Matsumoto and Shin Nomura. Phase Angle as a Prognostic Predictor for Physical Function in Fragile Osteoporotic Fracture Patients. Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine 2023; Vol. 8, 20230044 |
脆弱性大腿骨骨折後、骨格筋量は大幅に減少する (6.558) 2023 / InBody S10 / Investigation performed at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa, and the Slocum Research and Education Foundation, Eugene, Oregon, USAMichael C. Willey, Erin C. Owen, Aspen Miller, Natalie Glass, Tessa Kirkpatrick, Daniel Fitzpatrick, Jason Wilken, J. Lawrence Marsh and Lisa Reider. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2023;105:1777-85 |
腰部脊柱管狭窄症術前の患者において、位相角は身体機能及び生活の質(QOL)と関連している 2023 / InBody 770 / Division of Rehabilitation, Kurume University Hospital, Kurume, Fukuoka, JapanRyota Otsubo, Ryuki Hashida, Kenta Murotani, Sohei Iwanaga, Keisuke Hirota, Shunji Koya, Yuya Tsukada, Yuta Ogata, Kimiaki Yokosuka, Tatsuhiro Yoshida, Ichiro Nakae, Takuma Fudo, Shinji Morito, Takahiro Shimazaki, Kei Yamada, Kimiaki Sato, Hiroo Matsuse, Naoto Shiba & Koji Hiraoka. Phase angle is related to physical function and quality of life in preoperative patients with lumbar spinal stenosis. Scientific Reports (2023) 13:13909 |
変形腰部脊椎管狭窄症患者における体成分特徴が機能障害に及ぼす影響 2023 / InBody S10 / Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Jeonbuk National University Medical School and Hospital, Jeonju, KoreaYesull Kim, Chanhong Lee, Hyunji Oh, Ji-Seon Son and Aram Doo. The Effects of Body Composition Characteristics on the Functional Disability in Patients with Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. J. Clin. Med. 2023, 12, 612 |
慢性筋骨格痛患者における位相角とサルコペニアの関連性: 後ろ向き研究 2023 / InBody S10 / Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Okayama Red Cross Hospital, Okayama, JapanHironori Tsuji, Tomoko Tetsunaga, Haruo Misawa, Keiichiro Nishida and Toshifumi Ozaki. Association of phase angle with sarcopenia in chronic musculoskeletal pain patients: a retrospective study. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2023) 18:87 |
孤立した片側変形性股関節または膝関節症は、四肢の体成分に有害な変化をもたらすか? (1.045) 2022 / InBody770 / Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa, USADavid E. DeMik, Michael C. Marinier, Trevor R. Gulbrandsen, Natalie A. Glass, Jacob M. Elkins. Does isolated unilateral hip or knee osteoarthritis lead to adverse changes in extremity composition? Iowa Orthop J. 2022 Jun;42(1):163-167 |
人工関節置換術の臨床現場におけるサルコペニア及びサルコペニア肥満の有病率 (1.538) 2022 / InBody770 / Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USADavid E. DeMik, Michael C. Marinier, Natalie A. Glass, Jacob M. Elkins. Prevalence of Sarcopenia and Sarcopenic Obesity in an Academic Total Joint Arthroplasty Practice. Arthroplasty Today 16 (2022) 124-129 |
人工膝関節置換手術において低筋肉量は術後輸血の独立リスク因子である: 後ろ向き、傾向スコアでマッチングしたコホート研究 (4.070) 2022 / InBody S10 / Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, KoreaDoohyun Hwang, Hyuk‑Soo Han, Myung Chul Lee and Du Hyun Ro. Low muscle mass is an independent risk factor for postoperative blood transfusion in total knee arthroplasty: a retrospective, propensity score‑matched cohort study. BMC Geriatrics (2022) 22:218 |
縮性側索硬化症(ALS)患者のエネルギー代謝と予後に影響を及ぼす因子 (3.374) 2021 / InBody S10 / Division of Clinical Nutrition, Shiga University of Medical Science, Otsu, JapanMika Kurihara, Shigeki Bamba, Shoko Yasuhara, Akihiko Itoh, Taishi Nagao, Naoko Nakanishi, Ryutaro Nakamura, Nobuhiro Ogawa, Akihiro Kitamura, Isamu Yamakawa, Hyou Kim, Mitsuru Sanada, Makoto Urushitani, Masaya Sasaki. Factors Affecting Energy Metabolism and Prognosis in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77:236–243 |
生体電気インピーダンスで片側切断男性の除脂肪量を予測する式の開発及び検証 (2.379) 2021 / InBody S10 / Department of Medical Convergence Research & Development, Rehabilitation Engineering Research Institute, Incheon, KoreaHyuk-Jae Choi, Chang-Yong Ko, Yunhee Chang, Gyoo-Suk Kim, Kyungsik Choi and Chul-Hyun Kim. Development and validation of bioimpedance prediction equations for fat-free mass in unilateral male amputees. PeerJ 9:e10970 |
関節リウマチ患者の習慣的な魚の摂取はフレイル有病率と負の相関関係にある (3.998) 2021 / InBody720 / Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Nutrition, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, JapanHiroto Minamino, Masao Katsushima, Mie Torii, Motomu Hashimoto, Yoshihito Fujita, Kaori Ikeda, Wataru Yamamoto, Ryu Watanabe, Kosaku Murakami, Koichi Murata, Kohei Nishitani, Masao Tanaka, Hiromu Ito, Koichiro Ohmura, Hidenori Arai, Nobuya Inagaki & Shuichi Matsuda. Habitual fish intake negatively correlates with prevalence of frailty among patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Scientific Reports (2021) 11:5104 |
腰部脊柱管狭窄症患者におけるサルコペニアの臨床的特徴 (4.166) 2020 / InBody S10 / Spine Care Center, Wakayama Medical University Kihoku Hospital, Wakayama, JapanSachika Matsuo, Mamoru Kawakami, Masakazu Minetama, Masafumi Nakagawa, Masatoshi Teraguchi, Ryohei Kagotani, Yoshimasa Mera, Yoshio Yamamoto, Nana Sakon, Tomohiro Nakatani, Tadashi Sumiya, and Yukihiro Nakagawa. Clinical Features of Sarcopenia in Patients With Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. SPINE Volume 45, Number 17, pp E1105–E1110 |
関節リウマチとサルコペニアが併発している患者において下肢装具療法は身体活動を改善するが、筋肉量は改善しない (2.113) 2020 / InBody720 / Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Science, University Hospital, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto, JapanNorikazu Hishikawa, Shogo Toyama, Koshiro Sawada, Takashi Kawasaki, Suzuyo Ohashi, Kazuya Ikoma, Daisaku Tokunaga & Yasuo Mikami. Foot orthosis treatment improves physical activity but not muscle quantity in patients with concurrent rheumatoid arthritis and sarcopenia. Mod Rheumatol. 2020 Nov 25;1-7 |
超高齢者において生体電気インピーダンス分析(BIA)法で測定した体幹骨格筋量と位相角は大腿骨頚部骨折の可能性と関連している (3.023) Jia Chen, Kai Lu, Hong Chen, Ning Hu, Jie Chen, Xi Liang, Jian Qin, Wei Huang. Trunk Skeletal Muscle Mass and Phase Angle Measured by Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis are Associated with the Chance of Femoral Neck Fracture in Very Elderly People. Clinical Interventions in Aging 2020:15 889–895 |
多い上半身筋肉量は経頭蓋刺激術後の三角筋MEPの低い振幅と関連する (1.760) 2020 / InBody720 / Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, JapanSadayuki Ito, Kei Ando, Kazuyoshi Kobayashi, Hiroaki Nakashima, Masaaki Machino, Shunsuke Kanbara, Taro Inoue, Hidetoshi Yamaguchi, Naoki Segi, Hiroyuki Koshimizu, Shiro Imagama. Larger muscle mass of the upper limb correlates with lower amplitudes of deltoid MEPs following transcranial stimulation. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 81 (2020) 426–430 |
高度脊柱後弯症の高齢者における体成分と身体バランスの関係性 (1.173) 2020 / InBody S10 / School and Graduate Institute of Physical Therapy, Cllege of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, TaiwanPhunsuk Kantha, Shiow‑Chwen Tsai, Chien‑Wen Hou, Rong‑Sen Yang, Pei‑Yu Su, Wei‑Li Hsu. Relationship Between Body Composition and Balance Performance in Older Adults with Hyperkyphosis. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 05, November 2020 |
関節リウマチ患者において骨格筋量の減少は1年後の関節破壊の悪化を独立的に予測する (5.043) 2020 / InBody230 / Department of Rheumatology, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Guangzhou, Guangdong, ChinaJian-Zi Lin, Yin Liu, Jian-Da Ma, Ying-Qian Mo, Chu-Tao Chen, Le-Feng Chen, Qian-Hua Li, Ze-Hong Yang, Dong-Hui Zheng, Li Ling, Pierre Miossec and Lie Dai. Reduced skeletal muscle independently predicts 1-year aggravated joint destruction in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Ther Adv Musculoskel Dis, 2020, Vol. 12: 1–15 |
中高齢者における神経因性疼痛のリスク因子: 八雲研究の5年間の横断コホート (4.546) 2020 / InBody720 / Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Aichi, JapanShiro Imagama, Kei Ando, Kazuyoshi Kobayashi, Hiroaki Nakashima, Taisuke Seki, Takashi Hamada, Masaaki Machino, Kyotaro Ota, Satoshi Tanaka, Masayoshi Morozumi, Shunsuke Kanbara, Sadayuki Ito, Naoki Ishiguro, and Yukiharu Hasegawa. Risk Factors for Neuropathic Pain in Middle-Aged and Elderly People: A Five-Year Longitudinal Cohort in the Yakumo Study. Pain Medicine, Volume 21, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 1604–1610 |
腰痛を持つ高齢患者における運動療法の効果がサルコペニアに与える影響 2020 / InBody S10 / Spine Care Center, Wakayama Medical University Kihoku Hospital, Wakayama, JapanMasafumi Nakagawa, Mamoru Kawakami, Masatoshi Teraguchi, Ryohei Kagotani, Yoshimasa Mera, Tadashi Sumiya, Masakazu Minetama, Yoshio Yamamoto, Sachika Matsuo, Nana Sakon, Tomohiro Nakatani, Tomoko Kitano and Yukihiro Nakagawa. Influence of Sarcopenia on the Effect of Exercise Therapy for Elderly Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain. Spine Surg Relat Res 2020; 4(3): 247-255 |
背痛のリスク因子としてのサルコペニアと背筋変性: 比較研究 (0.820) 2020 / InBody720 / Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Eulji University Hospital, Daejeon, KoreaWhoan Jeang Kim, Kap Jung Kim, Dae Geon Song, Jong Shin Lee, Kun Young Park, Jae Won Lee, Shann Haw Chang, Won Sik Choy. Sarcopenia and Back Muscle Degeneration as Risk Factors for Back Pain: A Comparative Study. Asian Spine J. 2020 Jun;14(3):364-37 |
関節リウマチにおける疾患活動性及び機能障害と体成分の関連性 2020 / InBody720 / Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Hallym University Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital, Hwaseong, KoreaKyeong Min Son, Seong Hun Kang, Young Il Seo and Hyun Ah Kim. Association of body composition with disease activity and disability in rheumatoid arthritis. Korean J Intern Med 2020 May 15 |
肝硬変患者におけるJSH、AWGS、EWGSOP2の診断基準を用いたサルコペニア評価の比較及びサルコペニア・骨粗鬆症・オステオサルコペニアの関係 (2.002) 2019 / InBody S10 / Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, JapanChisato Saeki, Keiko Takano, Tsunekazu Oikawa, Yuma Aoki, Tomoya Kanai, Kazuki Takakura, Masanori Nakano, Yuichi Torisu, Nobuyuki Sasaki, Masahiro Abo, Tomokazu Matsuura, Akihito Tsubota and Masayuki Saruta. Comparative assessment of sarcopenia using the JSH, AWGS, and EWGSOP2 criteria and the relationship between sarcopenia, osteoporosis, and osteosarcopenia in patients with liver cirrhosis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2019) 20:615 |
生体電気インピーダンス分析(BIA)法で測定される全身及び体幹の位相角(Phase Angle)の減少はロコモティブシンドロームと関連している (1.257) 2019 / InBody770 / Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Aichi, JapanSatoshi Tanaka, Kei Ando, Kazuyoshi Kobayashi, Taisuke Seki, Takashi Hamada, Masaaki Machino, Kyotaro Ota, Masayoshi Morozumi, Shunsuke Kanbara, Sadayuki Ito, Naoki Ishiguro, Yukiharu Hasegawa, Shiro Imagama. The decreasing phase angles of the entire body and trunk during bioelectrical impedance analysis are related to locomotive syndrome. J Orthop Sci. 2019 Jul;24(4):720-724. |
地域居住者において、生体電気インピーダンス分析(BIA)法で測定された位相角(Phase Angle)の減少はロコモティブシンドロームリスクの増加を反映する: 八雲研究 (1.973) 2019 / InBody770 / Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Aichi, JapanSatoshi Tanaka, Kei Ando, Kazuyoshi Kobayashi, Tetsuro Hida, Taisuke Seki, Takashi Hamada, Kenyu Ito, Mikito Tsushima, Masayoshi Morozumi, Masaaki Machino, Kyotaro Ota, Naoki Ishiguro, Yukiharu Hasegawa and Shiro Imagama. The decrease in phase angle measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis reflects the increased locomotive syndrome risk in community-dwelling people: The Yakumo study. Mod Rheumatol. 2019 May;29(3):496-502 |
日本の地域居住中年及び高齢者におけるロコモティブシンドロームと体成分の関係: 八雲研究 (1.973) 2019 / InBody770 / Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Aichi, JapanSatoshi Tanaka, Kei Ando, Kazuyoshi Kobayashi, Tetsuro Hida, Taisuke Seki, Koji Suzuki, Kenyu Ito, Mikito Tsushima, Masayoshi Morozumi, Masaaki Machino, Kyotaro Ota, Naoki Ishiguro, Yukiharu Hasegawa and Shiro Imagama. Relationship between locomotive syndrome and body composition among community-dwelling middle-age and elderly individuals in Japan: The Yakumo study. Mod Rheumatol. 2019 May;29(3):491-495 |
地域在住高齢者において、生体電気インピーダンス分析(BIA)法で測定した低い位相角(Phase Angle)は骨粗鬆症と関連しており、リスク因子でもある: 八雲研究 (2.382) 2018 / InBody770 / Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Aichi, Japanbr>Satoshi Tanaka, Kei Ando, Kazuyoshi Kobayashi, Tetsuro Hida, Kenyu Ito, Mikito Tsushima, Masayoshi Morozumi, Masaaki Machino, Kyotaro Ota, Taisuke Seki, Naoki Ishiguro, Yukiharu Hasegawa, Shiro Imagama. A low phase angle measured with bioelectrical impedance analysis is associated with osteoporosis and is a risk factor for osteoporosis in community-dwelling people: the Yakumo study. Archives of Osteoporosis (2018) 13:39. |
脊髄変性疾患者における矢状面アライメントと骨格筋量の相関分析 (4.122) 2018 / InBody S20 / Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara, Kanagawa, JapanAkihiko Hiyama, Hiroyuki Katoh, Daisuke Sakai, Masato Sato, Masahiro Tanaka, Tadashi Nukaga & Masahiko Watanabe. Correlation analysis of sagittal alignment and skeletal muscle mass in patients with spinal degenerative disease. Scientific ReporTS | (2018) 8:15492 |
強直性脊椎炎患者における筋肉量・筋力・可動性・QOL・重症度: 予備研究 (0.550) 2017 / InBody S10 / Departments of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hanyang University Medical Center, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, KoreaSeung Chan Kim, Yeong Guk Lee, Si-Bog Park, Tae Hwan Kim, Kyu Hoon Lee. Muscle Mass, Strength, Mobility, Quality of Life, and Disease Severity in Ankylosing Spondylitis Patients: A Preliminary Study. Ann Rehabil Med 2017;41(6):990-997 |
乾癬性関節炎を患っている閉経後女性における体成分及び骨密度の変化 (0.210) 2017 / InBody170 / Municipal Hospital in Olsztyn, PolandMagdalena Krajewska-Włodarczyk, Agnieszka Owczarczyk-Saczonek, Waldemar Placek. Changes in body composition and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women with psoriatic arthritis. Reumatologia 2017; 55, 5: 215–221 |
若年性関節リウマチを患う子供の体力に関する研究 2017 / InBody720 / Department of Physical Therapy, Sahmyook University, Seoul, KoreaHyo-Jeong Kwon, You Lim Kim, Hyun Soo Lee, Suk Min Lee. A study on the physical fitness of children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 29: 378–383, 2017 |
過体重/肥満成人における、有酸素運動及び筋力運動が循環イリシンレベルと体成分変化の評価に及ぼす影響: パイロット研究 (1.461) 2016 / InBody370 / Health and Exercise Science Laboratory, Institute of Sport Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, KoreaHee-Jae Kim, Hyo-Joo Lee, Byunghun So, Jun Seok Son, Donghyun Yoon, Wook Song. Effect of Aerobic Training and Resistance Training on Circulating Irisin Level and Their Association With Change of Body Composition in Overweight/Obese Adults: a Pilot Study. Physiol. Res. 65: 271-279, 2016 |
閉経後女性における体成分・膝伸展筋力・立位均衡と脊椎骨密度の関係 2016 / InBody720 / Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Science, Sahmyook University, Seoul, KoreaSeungsub Shin, Kyeongjin Lee, Changho Song. Relationship of body composition, knee extensor strength, and standing balance to lumbar bone mineral density in postmenopausal females. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 28: 2105–2109, 2016 |
高齢者における肥満とX線による骨関節炎(OA)の体成分測定値の関係: 東区スタディデータから (1.684) 2016 / InBody520 / Department of Rheumatology, Chonnam National University Medical School & Hospital, Gwangju, KoreaLihui Wen, Ji-Hyoun Kang, Yi-Rang Yim, Ji-Eun Kim, Jeong-Won Lee, Kyung-Eun Lee, Dong-Jin Park, Tae-Jong Kim, Yong-Wook Park, Sun-Seog Kweon, Young-Hoon Lee, Yong-Woon Yun, Min-Ho Shin and Shin-Seok Lee. Associations between body composition measurements of obesity and radiographic osteoarthritis in older adults: Data from the Dong-gu Study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2016) 17:192 |
回旋筋腱板損傷とサルコペニアは関連があるか? (2.412) 2016 / InBody3.0 / Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Seoul, KoreaSeok Won Chung, Jong Pil Yoon, Kyung-Soo Oh, Hyung Sup Kim, Young Gun Kim, Hyun-Joo Lee, Won-Ju Jeong, Dong-Hyun Kim, Jong Soo Lee, Jee Wook Yoon. Rotator cuff tear and sarcopenia: are these related? J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2016 Sep;25(9): e249-55 |
骨関節炎を患った韓国人における年齢と関連した骨格筋量の損失とその重要性の分析 (1.200) 2016 / InBody720 / Department of Internal Medicine, Yeungnam University College of Medicine, Daegu, KoreaHun-Tae Kim, Hyun-Je Kim, Hee-Yun Ahn, and Young-Hoon Hong. An analysis of age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and its significance on osteoarthritis in a Korean population. Korean J Intern Med 2016; 31:585-593 |
生体電気インピーダンス分析(BIA)法で評価された筋肉量の不足と腰椎骨密度の関係 (2.312) 2016 / InBody720 / Department of Family Medicine, Eulji University Hospital, Daejeon, KoreaHye-Yeon Jang, Hee-Jeong Choi, Kye-Bong Lee, Sul-Bit Cho, In Jae Im, Hee Jin Kim. The Association between Muscle Mass Deficits Estimated from Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis and Lumbar Spine Bone Mineral Density in Korean Adults. J Bone Metab 2016; 23:95-100 |
急性灰白髄炎(ポリオ)生存者における肥満及び肺機能 2015 / InBody720 / Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine, Seoul, KoreaSoo Jeong Han, Jae-Young Lim, Jee Hyun Suh. Obesity and Pulmonary Function in Polio Survivors. Ann Rehabil Med 2015;39(6):888-896 |
脊髄損傷を持つ韓国人における損傷程度と麻痺による体脂肪率とBMIの比較 2015 / InBody S20 / Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, National Rehabilitation Center, Seoul, KoreaSang Hoon Han, Bum-Suk Lee, Hyun Soo Choi, Min-Soo Kang, Bo Ra Kim, Zee-A Han, Hye Jin Lee. Comparison of Fat Mass Percentage and Body Mass Index in Koreans With Spinal Cord Injury According to the Severity and Duration of Motor Paralysis. Ann Rehabil Med 2015;39(3):384-392 |
534名の韓国女性における骨格筋量増加による骨密度の増加 (5.175) 2015 / InBody4.0 / Seoul National University Hospital Health Care System Kangnam Center, Seoul, KoreaSun Mie Kim, Seok Hyun Kim, Jin Ju Kim, Min-Jeong Kim, Hyuk Tae Kwon, Chang Suk Suh, Young Min Choi, Jung Gu Kim. Increased bone mineral density according to increase of skeletal muscle mass in 534 Korean women: A retrospective cohort study conducted over 2.7 years. Obstet Gynecol Sci 2015;58(2):135-143 |
関節リウマチの中国人患者における疾患活動性と障害と体細胞量の損失との密接な関係 (2.058) 2011 / InBody720 / Division of Allergy, Immunology and Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Taichung-Kang Road, Taichung City, TaiwanYi-Ming Chen, Hsin-Hua Chen, Chia-Wei Hsieh, Tsu-Yi Hsieh, Joung-Liang Lan, Der-Yuan Chen. A close association of body cell mass loss with disease activity and disability in Chinese patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clinics 2011;66(7):1217-1222 |
体脂肪量・除脂肪量と骨密度の関係 (3.823) 2012 / InBody720 / Health Care Center, Konkuk University Medical Center, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Seoul, KoreaJoo-Hyun Park, Yun-Mi Song, Joohon Sung, Kayoung Lee, Youn Sic Kim, Taehun Kim, Sung-Il Cho. The association between fat and lean mass and bone mineral density: The Healthy Twin Study. Bone 50 (2012) 1006–1011 |
機能的電気刺激が不完全脊髄損傷患者のトルクピークと体成分に及ぼす影響 (0.490) 2007 / InBody3.0 / Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, TaiwanChin-Wei Liu, Shih-Ching Chen, Chia-Hsin Chen, Tien-Wen Chen, Jia-Jin Jason Chen, Chun-Sheng Lin, Mao-Hsiung Huang. Effects of functional electrical stimulation on peak torque and body composition in patients with incomplete spinal cord injury. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 2007; 23:232–40 |
荷重負荷運動と腕のリンパ浮腫への影響 2007 / InBody3.0 / Department of Health Science, Division of Physiotherapy, Lund University, SwedenKarin Johansson, Neil Piller. Weight-bearing exercise and its impact on arm lymphoedema. Journal of Lymphoedema 2007; Vol 2, No 1 |
膝関節炎を患っている日本人女性における下半身筋肉量の絶対的な減少 (3.010) 2005 / InBody2.0 / Department of Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USANeil A. Segal, Yoshitaka Tod. Absolute Reduction in Lower Limb Lean Body Mass in Japanese Women with Knee Osteoarthritis. J Clin Rheumatol 2005; 11:245–249 |
年齢による体成分変化は骨密度において男女別に影響を与える (3.530) 2004 / InBody3.0 / Seoul National University School of Public Health, Seoul, KoreaSoo Lim, Hyojee Joung, Chan Soo Shin, Hong Kyu Lee, Ki Sook Kim, Eun Kyung Shin, Hee-Young Kim, Min-Kyung Lim and Sung-Il Cho. Body composition changes with age have gender-specific impacts on bone mineral density. Bone, Volume 35, Issue 3, September 2004, Pages 792–798 |
膝関節炎を持つ肥満女性の下肢筋肉量におけるエネルギー制限・歩行・運動の効果 (0.390) 2001 / InBody2.0 / Toda Orthopedic Rheumatology Clinic, Osaka, JapanYoshitaka Toda. The effect of energy restriction, walking, and exercise on lower extremity lean body mass in obese women with osteoarthritis of the knee. J Orthop Sci (2001) 6:148–154 |
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